Nora Gray Boutique Blog

10 Great Gifts for Teachers

10 Great Gifts for Teachers

It's no secret that teachers have a tough job and deserve all the appreciation they can get! After all, they not only educate our children, but they basically care for them all day long, a job they don't get near enough credit for doing! If you missed Teacher Appreciation week, don't worry there's still time! Anytime is a good time to show some love and support to all those hard-working teachers. Here are 10 great gifts to thank them and show them you care!

by Terri Serjern on May 15, 2022
Great Gifts to Surprise Mom

Great Gifts to Surprise Mom

We know you already appreciate your mom, but surprising her with a little gift is a great way to brighten her day! New moms, seasoned moms, adoptive moms, surrogate moms, pet moms...whatever title they go by, it's our job to make them feel special and let them know we're thinking of them! And, with Mother's Day right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about an appreciation gift! We're sure you already know how to spoil her, but a few more ideas couldn't hurt! We compiled a collection of some really great items that will have her saying you're the favorite by the end of the day!
by Terri Serjern on May 02, 2022
7 Ways To Embrace Hair Accessories

7 Ways To Embrace Hair Accessories

The hype around hair accessories is growing and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon, but what if you've never been a hair accessories person? No problem...we've got you covered! The biggest secret to becoming a hair accessories lover is to wear the hair accessory and not let the accessory wear you! Keep it simple and, most importantly, choose accessories that you feel comfortable in. Below are some of our favorite types of accessories and tips on how to wear them!
by Terri Serjern on April 15, 2022
Fashion Lingo to Know When Shopping Online

Fashion Lingo to Know When Shopping Online

Being better informed means less hassle! In terms of online purchases, it means fewer returns because the item wasn’t quite what you expected. For in-person purchases, it can mean fewer trips back and forth to the dressing room. No matter the case, it’s always good to know what the heck those words mean! We’ve compiled a list of common terms used in the clothing industry, ones that we use often, to give you a little helping hand!
by Terri Serjern on March 30, 2022
10 Amazing Baby Shower Gifts

10 Amazing Baby Shower Gifts

Picking out a great baby shower gift can be a tricky task sometimes! Sure mommies-to-be love to get the usual gifts like diapers and bottles, but it never hurts to be a little unique and different! Baby showers are the perfect opportunity to buy new mothers something that they might not be buying themselves. This list is full of thoughtful and practical gifts for new and expecting moms!
by Terri Serjern on January 21, 2022
10 Instagram Worthy Dresses

10 Instagram Worthy Dresses

Do you ever get tired of sliding on the same pari of denim jeans, deciding which top you fell like wearing for the day, and walking out the door in your same ol' style? Why not try out a dress!? With all of the different lengths and styles out there, dresses never dissapoint! Below are some great dress options that are totally worthy of your many Instagram posts! Mix it up with a dress and let your inner photographer shine!
by Terri Serjern on January 20, 2022



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